

Automates Disputes and Deductions management for any large enterprise. Automates dispute handling, digitization, dispute recognition, validation based on set of rules, dispute resolution and exception handling

Client Pain Points

  • AR teams dedicate disproportionate amount of time to resolving disputes due to unstructured communication channels and limited information
  • Complicated and fragmented operations which greatly reduce the visibility between stakeholders internally and external
  • Long dispute resolution cycles and end to end process times tie-up cash flow
  • Reduction of Customer Satisfaction as Customer Credit is locked up in limbo via delayed orders and billing accuracies

Value Proposition:

Spend less time managing disputes
  • Aggregated data and automation of tasks brings new and improved efficiency to the workflow
Quicker / more-timely updating disputes
  • Greatly improve customer experience by resolving disputes faster
Repeatable process driven by data
  • Easily adhere to regulatory, network, and internal processes when validating disputes
Reduce cost of operations
  • Significantly reduce manual effort thereby cutting operating costs

Disputes Management Skills:

Skills Description
Dispute Collection
  • Collect unique open dispute cases from disparate source
  • Identify and collect relevant supporting documents for a dispute
Dispute Digitization
  • Identify document template or type for digitization
  • Digitize the document and link digitized information to a Dispute.
Dispute Assemblage
  • Assemble and present a complete dispute case along with supporting document
  • Identify missing information and notify for human intervention
Dispute Validation and Approval
  • Evaluate a dispute validity based on rules, tolerances and threshold
  • Decide whether a human or auto-approval is applicable
  • Follow up for approval or escalate if the threshold for approval time is crosse
Dispute Completion
  • Identify resolution/type of corrections and associated approvals required for valid disputes. Send notifications for invalid disputes
  • Perform corrections and approval follow-up's
Dispute Analytics
  • Generate reports
  • Generate KPIs

Case Study